How To Spot and Avoid Hiring Scams

How to spot job searching, hiring, and LinkedIn scams

As layoffs continue, it seems like the number of hiring scams is increasing along with the job losses. Scammers are increasingly creative and sophisticated, and even the most knowledgeable job seeker can get taken advantage of.

If you're careful, you can avoid it happening to you. Here’s what you need to know about the different types of job scams, how to avoid getting taken advantage of, and what to do if you’ve been scammed.

How To Spot and Avoid Job Scams

The Better Business Bureau reports that job scams are rising and are one of the riskiests scam in terms of prevalence, the likelihood of losing money, and the amount of money you can lose.

Here are examples of common job scams and advice on how to avoid them.

How To Avoid LinkedIn Scams

Although venerable job sites like LinkedIn go to great lengths to weed out frauds, job scammers still slip through the cracks.

Fake job ads and emails can cost you time and money, and even result in ID theft. Here are techniques you can use to outwit the scammers.

How To Tell if a Job Posting Is a Scam

Many of today’s job scams may appear to originate from legitimate companies, reference real recruiters in the listing, and even include an interview process.

Look for these warning signs to help you figure out if a job posting is legitimate or a scam.

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