Top Career Myths You Should Ignore

When you shouldn't believe everything you read

Even though there is a ton of career advice available online, it’s not all good. There’s advice that might have worked years ago, there are job strategies that might work for some people but don’t for others, and almost everyone seems to have an opinion on what you should (and shouldn’t) do when you’re job hunting.

It’s challenging enough to job search and to make connections without having to worry about getting scammed, but there are more job scams out there than you can imagine. Some of them are so sophisticated that it can be hard to tell that it's a scam. Take the time to check out prospective employers, recruiters, and jobs to make sure they’re legitimate.

On the other side of the equation, be careful about the information that you're sharing with prospective employers.

Career Myths You Should Ignore

Don’t believe everything you read about job searching. There are some things that aren’t accurate now even if they once were—such as how most jobs aren’t advertised or your resume should only be one page. Here are some career myths you can safely ignore.

How to Spot and Avoid Job Scams

A FlexJobs survey reports that 17% of respondents have been a victim of a job scam at least once, and only 5% have never seen a scam. Here’s what you need to know about the different types of job scams, how to avoid getting taken advantage of, and what to do if you’re afraid you have been scammed.

What To Do if You Have Exaggerated Your Qualifications

On the flip side, job seekers sometimes don’t always do the right thing either. It’s as important for candidates to be honest as it is for those who are hiring. Don’t lie on your resume (or over-exaggerate your credentials or lie during job interviews. It can come back to haunt you and could cost you a job offer—or even your job if you’re caught after you’ve been hired. If you haven’t been as truthful as you should have been, here are some things you can do if you’ve lied on your resume and are regretting it.

Worth the Read

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